The activities, campaigns and frequent court failures of the Christian Legal Centre (CLC) et al are here recorded for your delectation and amusement. Have fun.

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Anagram time!

To get the ball rolling and to show up how few people read this blog (past, present or future) I thought I'd start off the ad homs and go straight for the juvenile humour.

"Christian Legal Centre" is ripe for the plucking and contains anagrams galore. Spotting one or two choice words, I played with the other letters and came up with the following:
Stale ring? Clean thrice!
To me that could be the 11th Commandment and it sure beats the first three in any case.

But of course what blog about the CLC could be complete without stooping to Godwin's law?
Hitler's acne ring cleat.
A very useful tool the Führer obviously couldn't live without - Have you seen how he winced before he got one?

Feel free to add your own in the comments. I shall take the most amusing/relevant and add them below this post in an edit. Try not to be too rude. Also feel free to use as many or as few letters as you wish, but obviously points will be added if you use every letter. Punctuate as you see fit.

Have fun.

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