The activities, campaigns and frequent court failures of the Christian Legal Centre (CLC) et al are here recorded for your delectation and amusement. Have fun.

Tuesday 1 March 2011

A homophobe by any other name...

This is a reference post, and I plan on linking to this post often. In fact I think that any article I write detailing the varying degrees of homophobia and prejudice leveled at the gay community by the religious folk will have a link to this post as standard.

It has probably come to the attention of most rational people that many of the 'issues' that religious people have with gays - campaigns, court cases and attempts at repealing or stifling laws - can be solved with one very simply activity:

Swap the word "gay" with "black". Or "Asian". Or "Jew". Or any other historically persecuted group. How does it sound now?

It should be perfectly obvious to any clear minded individual who is lacking any indoctrination or inherited bigotry that there is no way that sentiment such as "Being black is not OK: it is morally wrong." or "Jews don't deserve equal rights - their are sinful and evil ways have no place in our society." would be accepted in public at large. So why are such things said about gays with such regularity? It is common place and tolerated to a degree by many people - because it is a mainstream religious ideal!

The second example above sums up the situation clearly: There is no way that the general public would allow such rhetoric. It is patently absurd to even suggest such an idea as Jewish people being 2nd class citizens.

However the first example is very likely to get the reaction "Well of course 'Being black is not OK' wouldn't be tolerated. It's overtly racist and plain silly: You can't not-be-black if that is your skin colour!"

But this is exactly the point! Homosexuality is often described by religious homophobes as being "a choice": A sinful activity engaged in by evil people who are rebelling against god.

I could speak at length about this, but I think it is simple enough to ask a question in response to those who think being gay is a choice: "When did you decide to be straight?"

You did not 'choose' to be gay - it is part of your nature, the same way your eye and skin colours are part of your physical construction that you cannot change. (I should also make a quite point: "Cured" gays are a myth. Really.)

Whilst on the subject I think it is worth pointing out that a persons religious beliefs most emphatically are a choice. Granted the religious person might have some hang-ups from their indoctrination as a child but the fact remains that religious beliefs are chosen. This is perfectly obvious to anyone who takes the time to stop and consider that, as holy texts etc have to be taken on faith, there is no evidence for any religious belief save personal experience (which has relevance only to the individual). As such the religious person is free to choose what they wish to believe - hence why so many disregard more annoying parts of the Old Testament. This is precisely the reason why a devout member of religion A can suddenly convert to religion B with no ill effects. This happens all the time! The person can then be vehemently opposed to whatever the 'beliefs' religion B thinks morally subordinate as soon as they've done the mental paperwork. What I find incredulous is that nobody bats an eyelid when this occurs, and it does so as often as to be deemed 'normal'.

It is worth noting that many Christians (and others) will state that they do not have a problem with homosexual people as such, rather they have a problem with homosexual acts: By all means you can be gay - just don't do anything gay! I make this point not to excuse such homophobes but just to let it be known that I understand where some people are coming from. I don't agree with them one bit as I believe "Hate the sin, love the sinner" is a smug one size fits all excuse beloved by people who understand that their beliefs and opinions are abhorrent but like to excuse their actions as being dictated by the sky fairy. "Hey, I don't make the rules. Take it up with the big guy upstairs!" No. Those people can answer in the here and now.

I dismiss that sentiment outright - such people will have to get used to being called bigots.

Homosexuality is not a 'choice' and homosexuals should not be classified as 'sinful' (whatever the hell that means - Christianity: cutting you and selling you band-aids since 325AD) for choosing to engage in sexual activity. They have the right and it is absolutely none of your business.

Being of the opinion that gay people are morally abhorrent, evil and 'sinful' means that you are a nasty, bigoted person whose ideas have no place in the modern world. You are no better than a racist, an anti-Semite or a sexist. I wish to make it clear that I think society would be better off without your outdated and disgusting notions. I welcome the day your kind of thinking dies out and leaves us free of your prejudice. For sure, you can be a kind and loving person in other areas of your life - but the fact remains you have a mental block that harbours a festering cess pit of horrible hangups.

As soon as vocal and non-vocal Christians et al accept the plain and simple fact that homosexuals are no different to heterosexuals and are completely natural, the sooner humanity can leave such unsavoury prejudice where it belongs: In the past.

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